Review your research paper assignment and your library discussion board assignment.
Once you have chosen the political philosopher to research:
Use the Find Books page to locate print or eBooks on your political philosopher. Use the video tutorials on the Find Books page for instruction on searching for biographies.
Use the Find Articles page to locate biographical, contextual, and historical articles about your political philosopher. Use the links to recommended databases for easy access. View the video tutorials located on the Find Articles page for instruction on how to conduct a search in the recommended databases.
Use the Writing and Citing page for help with writing and formatting your paper and citing your sources properly.
Use the Help & Feedback page to chat with a librarian, search library FAQs, or email your librarian directly.
The content in this LibGuide will help you learn how to:
Library Discussion Board Workshop
1. Carefully read the instructions for your research paper assignment.
2. Review the LibGuide created for your class. View the how-to tutorials for finding articles in the databases (on the Find Articles page of the LibGuide).
3. Using the database Biography in Context or eBook Central, find a biography on your political philosopher.
4. Using the databases Britannica Academic or the Social Science Journals, find two articles that provide contextual information on your philosopher's life and teachings.
5. Sum up your research experience in a few sentences.
6. Respond to a classmate in one or more of the following ways:
Political Philosopher Research Paper
This quadrant format provides a framework to develop, organize and write your research paper. The four quadrants are: biography, context, analysis, and reflection.
1. BIOGRAPHY: The biographical study emphasizes the philosopher’s life and greatly enriches the understanding of his/her work. It is a chronology of the philosopher’s development
Research the following:
Suggested databases: Biography in Context, eBook Central
2. CONTEXT: The contextual study emphasizes the philosopher’s cultural, historical, political and social context relevant to the century and location of the person’s life. It is an approach that examines how the person’s work reflects political and moral issues as well as religion and society.
Research the following:
Suggested databases: Britannica Academic, Social Science Journals
3. ANALYSIS: The quadrant explores philosophy as a tool of inquiry that involves analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and narrative. Research is a thinking, reflective, stylistic, and textual process.
4. REFLECTION: This represents your conclusions.
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