Final Course Project
For your final project, you are to choose from one of the topics below that we have discussed in this course so far.
- Cultural differences between US and another developing country and its impacts/implications on business strategy for global company
- Policies and practices of Corporate Social Responsibilities of a multinational company in a developing country
- Benefits and Challenges of a selected global entry strategy of a global business into a developing country
- Impact/influence of legal and political environment of a developing country on global company doing business in that country
- Policies and Practices of Government in a developing country in dealing with corruptions and Ethics in Global business
- Opportunities and Challenges of a Regional Economic Integration or Trade Partnership from the perspective of a developing country
You are required to submit a term paper based on the topic that you select.
On the topic, you choose you are required to research and present how that topic impacts International Business and how it is addressed in the business world today. Your presentation must be framed in terms of the documented source material.
You are expected to:
- Analyze the topic,
- Highlight the history or background of the key issues,
- Provide an example of a specific international company and how they handled this topic.
- Lastly you must include your own recommendations on how this issue should be addressed in the future.