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The Persuasive Essay


The library catalog is your guide to finding the books and audio visual material that are held by the Berkeley College Libraries. Use ebrary to gain instance access to entire books. Please watch the videos on how to search the catalog and eBook Central.

For this assignment, you can use physical books or eBooks to:

  • Learn more about public speaking skills
  • Learn more about persuasive speech
  • Gather information about your topic for your speech
  • Gather information for your counter-arguments within your speech

Searching in eBooks

You can access the eBook Central through this link or from the eBooks icon on the main Library Homepage.  The first video will explain how to access eBook Central and the second video will explore how to search and narrow down your choices. 

If you are having trouble seeing the video below, click this link or this link for video 2. You can also expand the video to full screen using the icon on the bottom right of the video.