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Company Analysis

Libguide can be used for MGT2220

About this Guide

Company Analysis

A number of assignments within the Larry L. Luing School of Business involve a deep dive into a company's sales and management strategy. Locating information on a company's leadership or management strategy can be a complex process that requires advanced searching skills in multiple resources. This guide has been developed by Berkeley College Library to assist students on their research journey by suggesting numerous resources and search strategies in order to uncover the inner workings of a company.


Getting Started

Please listen to this short tutorial on getting started on finding company information.                   


Getting Started - SWOT Report

A published SWOT report or company profile from Hoover's is always a good starting point for your company analysis.  If a SWOT report is not available in Business Insights, try Proquest.   

If you are interested in the management or leadership strategy for a company, jot down the name of the executives so you can search for additional information in other library resources.   

To Locate SWOT Reports: 

  • Business Insights - From the main page in Business Insights, select a company or search for the name of your company. There are Company Profiles for 400,000+ companies, and the largest 1000 public companies have a SWOT analysis right next to the Company Overview.
  • ProQuest Central - From the main search page in ProQuest Central, type the name of your company and SWOT into the search bar. From the results, choose the relevant record