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Borrowing for Students, Faculty, Associates, Alumni, and Guests 

Policies for Borrowing Library Materials

Student Borrowing Rules
A Berkeley College Digital ID is required whenever borrowing materials from the Libraries. The borrower is responsible for replacement or cost of lost or missing items. 

Category Loan Period Item Limit Consequences for Overdue Items
Books 90 days 100 titles Blocked from borrowing this type of material

Faculty, Associate, and Administration Borrowing Rules
A Berkeley College Digital ID is required whenever borrowing materials from the Libraries.

Borrower is responsible for replacement or cost of lost or missing items. 

Category Loan Period Item Limit Consequences for Overdue Items
Books 90 days 100 titles Blocked from borrowing this type of material

Alumni Borrowing Rules
An official form of identification must be presented whenever borrowing materials from the Libraries.
Borrower is responsible for replacement or cost of lost or missing items.

Category Loan Period Item Limit Consequences for Overdue Items
Books 30 days 50 titles Blocked from borrowing this type of material

Pre-College and Guest Borrowing Rules
An official form of identification must be presented whenever borrowing materials from the Libraries. To request VALENJ Reciprocal borrowing privileges, you must present an application form signed by staff from your school library. 
Borrower is responsible for replacement or cost of lost or missing items. 

Category Loan Period Item Limit Consequences for Overdue Items
Books 30 days 10 titles Blocked from borrowing this type of material

Code of Conduct 

The Rules and Consequences are published for the benefit of all visitors of the Berkeley College Libraries. Many of the policies have been developed based on student comments and surveys. Violations should be reported to Library staff who will take appropriate action. 

Visitors who do not follow the Library’s Code of Conduct or who violate any College Policy will be asked to leave and may lose their Library privileges. 

Rules of Conduct: 
  1. Visitors must help to maintain a respectful environment and refrain from engaging in any behavior that interferes with the use of the Libraries by others. Such behaviors include but are not limited to: speaking loudly, talking on a cell phone, playing amplified sounds with or without headphones/plugs, inappropriate use of furniture, soliciting, carrying or consuming odorous food, inappropriate attire and failure to maintain personal hygiene. 
  2. Visitors are expected to abide by all public laws; to comply with the policies, procedures, and rules of the College.  See Students Rights and Responsibilities. 
  3. Visitors must not engage in verbal or physical abuse, intimidation, sexual harassment or harassment on account of race, religion, ethnic or national background, gender or sexual orientation. 
  4. Library materials are to be returned upon or before the expiration of the loan period or on request by the Libraries. Library materials, equipment or property must not be taken from library buildings without proper checkout or authorization. 
  5. Visitors engaging in vandalizing, altering or damaging library materials, furniture or equipment may result in disciplinary action. 
  6. Any attempts to circumvent PC/Network security, damage or tamper with any of Berkeley’s electronic resources, including software, hardware, network infrastructure, virus propagating, and sustained high volume network traffic, may result in disciplinary action, including immediate dismissal. Berkeley’s computer systems and associated hardware and peripherals are to be used for educational purposes only, other purposes are in violation of The Student Electronic Information Policy. 
  7. Visitors must obey applicable intellectual property law, including the U.S. Copyright Law and College Policy. 
  8. Effective September 24, 2011, the use of tobacco products anywhere on Berkeley College (or affiliated) property is strictly prohibited. Click here for the complete policy. 
  9. Visitors are required to leave the Libraries at closing and during emergency situations, drills or following a violation of this Library Rules and Consequences Policy. 
  10. No animals are permitted in the Libraries unless it is assisting a person with a disability.
  • The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged on Library premises. 
  • Library staff reserve the right to inspect bags or other personal property when visitors enter or leave the Library. 
  • Clothing and shoes must be worn in the Library, 
  • The Library is not responsible for children who are left unattended on Library premises. 
  • Library staff may ask visitors for their Berkeley College Digital ID at any time. 
  • Photography and recording are not allowed on Library premises without prior permission. 
  • Certain rooms and other Library spaces may have additional restrictions. 
  • Visitors with disabilities are welcome to ask Library staff about reasonable accommodations.