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Business Project Based Internship Assignment

Welcome to Project Based Internship!

This semester your work in this class will mimic a virtual internship in which you analyze and improve an actual business. You will rely on the concepts and skills that you acquired in your prior coursework to develop the required Final Project.  There are four real-world small businesses to choose from.  

Descriptions of each of the businesses, along with the project details, can be found in this LibGuide and in your Class' Module.  You will select the business of your choice and then develop the project in three phases, as follows:

Project 1: The Connective

Project 2: The YWCA

Project 3: The Waterbury Hospital

Project 4: C-NET

It's important to note that once you've selected the company, you must stick with your choice for the duration of this term and use that company to develop each of the three chunks and the Final Project. 

Your work in the weekly Discussion Boards will assist you in developing each chunk of your Project as well as your Final Project. As such, your active participation is essential for your success in this class.