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Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology (CCIT)

Designing Engaging Courses

Three phases of designing courses-identify desired results, determine acceptable evidence, plan the learning and instructionDesigning Curriculum with Backward Design

"Begin with the end in mind."
~ Stephen Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 

On this page, you will find resources to support you as you develop or update your courses. Beginning with the learning objectives and assessments helps determine the destination for the learners. Then creating learning experiences to scaffold students through the learning from beginning to end will make the process enjoyable and memorable.

Use the materials below to help you get started.


3 Phases of Course Design

Click the tabs to review the three phases of course design...

3 phases of course design

Based on the Backward Design Process (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005)

Identify Desired Results


  • Standards and objectives 
  • Enduring Understandings and Desired Results 


  • What are your learning goals for your students? 
  • What big ideas should students understand by the end of the course? 
  • What media will students explore to learn the skills and concepts? 

Determine Acceptable Evidence



  • What are your learning goals for your students? 
  • What big ideas should students understand by the end of the course? 
  • What media will students explore to learn the skills and concepts? 

Plan the Learning and Instruction


  • Planning sequencing instructional activities 
  • Scaffolding the learning


  • How will the learning be organized for learners? 
  • How should I scaffold the learners through the coursework?  
  • What will I need to teach? How can I coach them through the learning process? What tools will I use?