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Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology (CCIT)

Creating Effective Learning Environments

Creating Effective Learning Environments

Whether you are teaching in an online environment or face-to-face, it is essential to think about ways to make learning responsive to students in your courses: 

  • How can you build community?
  • Where can students turn for resources or get their questions answered as they learn?
  • How can I support learners with diverse needs to make the learning environment more equitable?
  • What are some ways to introduce a variety of voices and perspectives into learning to offer students a more encompassing view of what they are learning?
  • How can students' voices become more prominent in our course discussions and the direction of the learning? 

You may have many questions as you create your course materials and gather resources. Hopefully, the answers to many of those questions can be found in the resources linked in the navigation on the left (CRT, Learning Strategies, UDL, and the 5 E's). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. We always look forward to working collaboratively to support you as you work to make learning engaging, authentic, and worthwhile for your students.

When creating effective learning environments, it's important to include.

Button: Culturally Responsive Teaching Resources Image: 5 E's Button: UDL Resources Image: Complementary Instructional + EdTech Strategies