The TPACK framework examines the connections among technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge needed to integrate educational technology into instruction. The framework was developed by Mishra and Koehler (2006) as an extension of Shulman's (1986) work with pedagogical content knowledge. The TPACK framework encourages thoughtful consideration of pedagogy, content, and technology and how they blend together to develop the most effective instruction.
The video examines TPACK in detail for those who are interested in learning more. The PDF below the video contains a quick overview of the components of TPACK with questions to ask yourself and examples of each component.
Video created by Cheryl Tice, Ed.D. The video is only available to Berkeley College faculty and staff. Please login to Office 365 to view the video.
The information from the video is outlined in the Office 365 document linked below:
PDF: Breaking Down the TPACK Model to Plan Effective Learning Experiences
If you are interested in learning more about the SAMR model that was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, this is an excellent resource to dive deep into the different levels of the model with examples provided for each level to put them into context. The SAMR model helps educators reflect more deeply about their use of educational technology and how to use it to facilitate learning. Below is an infographic to help you learn about the SAMR Model and how each component shows a level that facilitates learning with educational technologies to enhance or transform learning. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Accessible Copy of the Infographic
If you want to dive deeper and learn more about the SAMR model, watch the video below and think about what you teach. How could you adapt the examples provided in the video to your area of expertise? Spend time thinking about that as you watch. Pause and take notes as ideas occur to you!
Video used with permission of Patrick McQuade